CrystalSound lifetime deal

CrystalSound LTD

Eliminate background noise and enhance audio quality on calls and recordings with this AI tool Nothing can ruin a work call like random background noise. (“Sorry, this is the only time my neighbor has to vacuum, play the trumpet, and practice tap dancing.”) Remote meetings are so popular because of the convenience, so scheduling important […]

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reach owl lifetime deal

ReachOwl LTD

Automate Facebook Messages & Friend Requests at Scale Your customers are on Facebook Messenger. Let’s look at the numbers, Facebook DM’s open rate is around 80% and the click-through rate averages 13%. Clearly, this is another marketing channel you can tap into. What if you could easily target Facebook’s 3 BILLION users and send them

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WordSeek lifetime deal

WordSeek LTD

Find missing queries on your website to optimize your content and boost site traffic After creating awesome web content, you should be able to sit back and relax as your site visitors click through to your page…(*crickets*) But in reality, you can’t attract an audience without answering their questions—and you certainly can’t anticipate every question

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sheetgpt lifetime deal


Use ChatGPT in Google Sheets, create bulk AI content, & automate the work you do with GPT Creating bulk content and working with large amounts of data can be a time-consuming task, especially if you’re limited on resources or want to move quickly in your company. Its time-consuming, annoying to switch between different apps, and

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Automatically generate alt text for images to improve your website’s SEO and accessibility You can’t rank higher if Google doesn’t understand your images. (“Please. Just tell me if this is a vase or two people about to kiss.”) Alt text improves SEO and page accessibility, but sitting down and describing every image yourself can feel LTD Read More »

wp stack lifetime deal

WP-Stack LTD

Manage multiple WordPress sites and automate tasks with this site management dashboard The list of plugins on your WordPress site shouldn’t be long enough to land you a spot on Hoarders. (“But what if I need it later?!”) Using multiple plugins isn’t just expensive—it also complicates tasks in workflow and can even jeopardize your site’s cybersecurity.

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omni lifetime deal

Omni LTD

Generate email scripts for cold outreach and boost deliverability with proprietary warmup software When your cold outreach isn’t warming up leads, it’d be nice to know what emails are working for other companies. (“Brrr, it’s cold in here! It must be the spam folder in the atmosphere!”) But even with that content on hand, you

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BouncePage lifetime deal

BouncePage LTD

Build mobile-friendly landing pages in minutes and generate QR codes to redirect traffic Unless you’re a web designer, you probably didn’t start your business just to spend days creating landing pages. (“Rome wasn’t built in a day, and apparently neither is this.”) Without the right tools, it’s nearly impossible to redirect folks to your website,

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chatabc lifetime deal


Collaborate with your team using document support and pre-made AI prompts from one ChatGPT account. ChatGPT seems like an awesome tool, until you have to work with the rest of your team. (“There’s no ‘i’ in team and no ‘we’ in ChatGPT.”) Even if ChatGPT can streamline your writing workflow, its free collaboration tools are

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writerank lifetime deal

WriteRank LTD

Leverage the power of AI to create high-quality SEO content with just one click. All the effort you’re pouring into making innovative content doesn’t matter if it’s not ranking highly on search engines. (“Apparently, clicks or it didn’t happen.”) Coming up with an interesting idea is just the tip of the iceberg—you still have to

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divhunt lifetime deal

Divhunt LTD

Effortlessly build powerful, limitless websites from scratch—no coding required. Are you wasting all your web development time waiting for things to load or finding workarounds for third-party tools? (“It’s all being held together by coffee and my Bill Gates prayer candle.”) Most code-free development tools only work for building really basic sites—and if you want

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zupyak lifetime deal

Zupyak LTD

Automatically discover relevant keywords and write SEO-focused content with this AI writing tool Driving organic traffic to your website can feel impossible without any help. (“Come here, my precious…um, please.”) Creating content that looks good on search engines and appeals to the right audience takes a combination of time, money, and tools that not everyone

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moxie lifetime deal

Moxie LTD

Grow your business with this powerful CRM system designed for freelancers. Your freelance business is booming, but with more work, comes…more work. (“Heigh ho, heigh oh, off to my email inbox I go.”) The truth is, running a business involves tons of moving parts—from connecting with clients to managing invoices—and doing it all by yourself

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